195 signatories45 countries
subtitle image: An international civil society campaign against geoengineering - image #1 subtitle image #2 subtitle image #3

The Manifesto

Signed by 100+ organizations around the world, the HOME manifesto calls for a ban on all geoengineering field experiments and deployment, for a stop to large-scale carbon capture and storage or direct air capture, and for proven alternatives to geonengineering sidelined in climate deliberations to be adopted.

Open letter

SCoPEx is the most prominent attempt to conduct an open-air experiment in solar geoengineering in defiance of an international moratorium. In July, it announced the members of its "advisory committee" intended to legitimize thee experiment. Many of the signatories of HOME sent them an open letter.

Get campaign updates:

The HOME campaign is hosted by GeoEngineeringMonitor.org
To get in touch, contact coordinator@handsoffmotherearth.org